A Decade of Love

March 14, 2004 was an important day in my life. It was the day that my husband and I got together.
So, this year, it made it a decade....
We have gone through so much together, each of us losing a parent within these 10 years, the birth of 2 lovely girls, moving to another country, moving back home, losing jobs, getting employed again.
Those were some of the major things we have gone through.

Besides all that there are so many other small, but significant things that we have gone through in  these 10 years.
 - the midnight chats when we were first dating.
- the late night visits
- the doctors visits
- surgeries
- the arguments about how to raise children
- the differences in opinion about money matters
- the nights we got drunk together
- the wedding and Christmas dances
- the minor accidents
- the separation when we moved countries
- the discussions about religion and God
- discussions about family
- discussions about love
- spending quiet time together
-laughing at crazy, stupid jokes
-laughing at crazy, funny people
- just chatting about silly things
-enjoying the music

Some of these times were pleasant, and some were not so great.
Some I wouldn't want to forget, and some I would rather erase from my memory.

Through all this we have both grown, both learned. We still have differences about so many things.
And we still have some awesome times together.

But at the end of the day, there isn't anyone else I would rather snuggle up next to.
He is my partner, my friend and the light of my life.

Because love is so much more than just seeing eye to eye, and being rich or happy.
Love is a bond that makes the good times even sweeter and can weather any storm.
Our wedding day in December 2004.


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