
I remember the sound of drums, from when I was little

As processions from the temple near my home

Went past and the smell of incense and smoke 

Would waft through the cold air.

I would run out in excitement to look at the people 

Sometimes ladies dressed in silk and gold

Sometimes men bare chested, with tongues pierced.

Wailing, chanting, singing

Depending on the occasion.

And when the procession was three feet from my gate,

The sounds and the vibrations of the drums, 

Made my heart pound, like the drums.

I would shriek and run into the house and peer from behind the door.

I couldn't miss the sight and the sound of the traditional temple drums

Even if it was from behind the door.

It was probably a decade later,

A different drum, watching Ustad Zakir Hussain

Playing the tabla in the Taj Mahal Tea advertisement.

Which was more fascinating? I now wonder.

Watching the Ustad with his lovely smile and locks

Or the rhythm of the tabla.

A few years later, whenever we had family visit from Sri Lanka,

We had parties on the 'back patio'. 

Eating, laughing, chatting and feeling the beat of the Baila music 

As we listened to and danced to the beats of 

You are my one and only one and I am your everloving one,

I am your one and only Kandy lamissi

And we had our dear Pappa in high spirits 

Making his own music, kicking his feet up madly and clapping to

Lanka vatta baila genna Wally Bastian

Baila valin rata holaku baila champion.

Five years on, there is nothing I find more tantalizing and alluring

Than watching a drummer at a rock concert.

The noise, the energy with which he plays.

The thwack when he finishes his piece, and the clash of the cymbals.

Or watching a female drummer at a show

In a pub in Bangalore.

Showing that she too can have people move to her beats

Her power, her fire, the oomph!

Years later, sitting with my man, 

As we drink together, and enjoy each other's company,

With the sounds of Rick Allen drumming out Pour Some Sugar on Me.

I am older now, single again

When I need to feel at peace, or need some reassurance from above. 

The beats of Christafari - How Great is our God

Make me feel at peace, and get some strength.

And now, I listen to the Percussion of Honky Tonk Woman,

It gives me some power, makes me feel energized, 

Listening to the beats, remembering how our hearts beat together

And listening to what was probably the last song we danced to......

A reminder that the beats will change, the tune and the energy will change.

But we keep marching, or waltzing, or plodding on.

And we move on - to the beat of our drum- whichever it may happen to be right then.


  1. Very nice capture, Nicky. You said it all so perfectly.

  2. Wonderful reflections Nicola!
    So nice to read


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