A Haiku and a Tanka

I got to re-explore the poet in me during a Creative writing workshop that I attended today. 

We were required to write a Haiku and a Tanka.

A Haiku


Water on the grass                                                           

Sparrows cheeping in the trees

On a cold morning.

      Photo by Ch P on Unsplash

A Tanka


Dark brown rice sacks lie

On the cold red floor below

A noisy old fan.

The merchant lies to cool off

After a day of toiling. 

Photo by Adrian Gomez on Unsplash



  1. I love the feeling that both these poems give me. First is afeeling of freshness and the second is comfort. 😌

  2. Very beautifully expressed! It seems like the words paint vivid pictures that awaken all my senses....


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