Words don't come easy
Do you remember the 1982 song, Words? Well I am writing about something, totally unrelated. Today my eight year old daughter asked me the meaning of a particular word, that I am almost sure I have never used. Besides, I don't think I knew the meaning of the word until I was twice her age! I don't even want to mention the word!! I almost feel sorry that little girls and boys even know these words! Why or how would they even learn words we hardly ever use!!? I am not into cursing, or using profane language, both in front of my children or otherwise. I find it ridiculous to start swearing or using foul language, whatever be the reason. I do admit that on a few occasions, I have used a few swear words with people I am really close to, but just in jest. It is probably because most of my early childhood, I never heard my parents, or sibling swear or curse. But then again, I know lots of people who do use profane language any chance they get, but I know that they never ha...