My type of food in Bengaluru

After a year of the normal routine, and lots of hectic but boring days, I am looking forward to a small break with my sisters in Bengaluru (Bangalore). We will not be doing anything over the top. There will be a lot of faffing. And because we can't faff around forever, we will spend some time drinking, and a lot of time eating. Here are just a few of the things (eating and drinking) that I usually visit/do on every trip to Bengaluru. After years of drinking Kingfisher beer, my sister introduced me to 'Tuborg Strong'. I have been a Tuborg drinker since then. I am not a regular drinker, just have a few drinks on social occasions. Besides the occasional drink, Chung Wah, on Residency Road Cross is my favourite Chinese food place in Bangalore. The food is not very rich, but really very scrumptious. I don't think that anyone anywhere has ever eaten Ice Cream, like that at Corner House. The original Corner House was on Residency Road. It is now at Residency ...