Locked in- Covid 19, file2

It is Easter morning, and it is the first time in my memory that I have no Easter eggs, or chocolate bunnies for my girls. There is really nothing very Easter-ish about this Sunday. In fact it is the first time in my life when i have seen no Good Friday services, or Easter Vigils in almost all the churches around the world. And in these days of modern technology, churches are streaming their services online. It is a time of 'social distancing'. We stay indoors, go out only for the essential items and medicines. People try to stay a safe distance away from each other, wearing masks, gloves, and definitely trying hard not to cough or sneeze while close to someone else. These are tough times for everyone, and i have tried to stay cheerful, while sitting at home, occasionally having meetings online, preparing study material, worksheets, cooking, seeing that the family is well and not too bored. My children have their school work to do, and my husband and i have to ...